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5 Fun Ways to Implementing Classroom Economy in Middle School

Classroom Economy, Classroom Jobs

The Power of Classroom Economy in Middle School!

Hey Teacher Friends!

Creating an engaging middle school classroom is crucial, and one tool that's been a game-changer for me is the Classroom Economy system, or as I fondly call it, "Math Money with the Diva!" This system not only instills financial literacy and life skills but also cultivates positive behavior among my students.

But where do you start? Here's a quick guide to kickstart your Classroom Economy journey:

1. Set Clear Goals: Before diving in, define your goals. What do you want your students to gain? What behaviors are you aiming to encourage? Tailor the system to fit your class's unique needs by identifying clear objectives.

2. Class Jobs for Middle Schoolers: Class jobs are fantastic for fostering accountability and responsibility. Middle schoolers are more than capable, and they love the opportunity to contribute. I have a whopping 25 jobs in my classroom, ensuring my students are busy and productive.

Jobs range from Store Banker to Class DJ – there's something for everyone! To streamline the process:

  • Create a job list and display it in your classroom.
  • Have students fill out a job application, making it even easier by going digital with a Google Form.
  • Assign salaries to each job and conduct interviews to make it official.

3. Job Applications & Interviews: Once students are excited about the job options, they can submit applications for up to three roles. Consider virtual interviews on platforms like FLIP or Screencastify to save time on interviews. Base job offers on both choices and personalities and send out offer letters to seal the deal.

4. Setting up the Bank: While students eagerly await their chosen jobs, set up your class bank. Whether it's paper or digital, creating currency denominations from $1 to $100 is key. Add a fun twist by offering incentives like snacks, homework passes, or choice seats – easy to earn and valuable enough to motivate positive behavior.

Setting up the Student Bank Books: The final touch involves introducing Student Bank Books. This system teaches students the basics of saving, spending, and managing money in a fun and engaging way. Set up individual accounts for each student, and watch as they learn financial responsibility and accountability.

5. Teacher Tracking of Student Jobs: Efficiency is the name of the game! Detail each job's description, responsibilities, and tasks. Once jobs are confirmed, keep track of who's responsible for what using a handy Teacher Tracker Job Roster. Display the jobs on an easy-to-read chart for quick reference. Monthly meetings with students ensure feedback, address concerns, and celebrate successes.

And there you have it! Your Classroom Economy is ready to roll. Stay tuned for our next chat on saving time and keeping it simple while managing this fantastic system.

Have a Math-Tastic Week!


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